How to Install and use k9s ? A tool to get rid of kubectl commands

K9s is an application to save your time from typing kubectl commands . The application is available on this Git RepositoryHere are the steps for downloading and using k9s.

1) Download it from the Github link as below :

tar -xvf k9s_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz

3)Then get namespace  to find namespace name : 
kubectl get ns

4. Then below command lists all the pods for a particular namespace.

./k9s -n namespaceName

5) Press the up and down arrow keys in your keyboard to switch between pods and then perform below commands for operations as mentioned:

Command job
s To login inside pod Shell.
ctrl-dTo Delete a pod.
d To describe yaml file of the pod.
e To Edit yaml file of a pod
ctrl-k To Kill a pod.
l To see live Logs of a pod
shift-l To find previous Logs Previous

6) Finally to get out of the k9s console Press Esc and then type :q as below and press Enter.

Finally, here we have added daily use kubectl commands for your reference.Check it out  Kubectl Daily Use Commands.

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